Shape the Future of Beauty

Model Program

As part of our commitment to nurturing emerging talent and refining our craft, we offer participants exclusive access to cutting-edge styles and techniques, all while enjoying the perks of model pricing on our services.

Apply Now

The following Partners are currently looking for models. Click their name to check out their work on Instagram.

  • Anjelina: All things vivid color, lived in color, and haircuts!
  • Waxing: Face, Arms, Underarms, Legs, Stomach, Back, Brazilian & Bikini, Legs


Enter your information below to enter our model call program. We will reach out to you to schedule your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Partner Model Program at TW Salon is a unique initiative designed to nurture emerging talent. It offers our fully licensed cosmetologists a platform to refine their skills, working towards becoming the full-time stylists of tomorrow. As a model, you receive high-quality salon services at exclusive model pricing while supporting the professional growth of our partners.

As part of the program, you can enjoy a range of salon services at exclusive model pricing.

  • Haircuts start at $25
  • Color Touch-ups at $40
  • Highlights at $65

Prices are subject to change based on the specific requirements of each service.

By becoming a model in the Partner Model Program, you’re not just receiving an exceptional salon service at a great price; you’re actively supporting the dreams and development of our passionate partners. It’s a way to celebrate and be part of the beauty and learning journey at TW Salon.

After you’ve filled out the application form for our Partner Model Program, our team will get in touch with you to schedule your appointment. We’ll work with your availability and match you with one of our partners whose schedule aligns with yours, ensuring a smooth and convenient booking process.

Empowerment begins within, and the salon serves as the canvas

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